Areas of Expertise
Emotional Management
Many times what keeps us stuck or stops us from pursuing something we want is a natural function of our brain. Our brain's job is to protect us, keep us safe, and do so by expending as little effort as possible. Learn to notice these interruptions to reaching your goal and become an expert at overriding our biology.
Fitness/Weight loss/Overdrinking
As a certified personal trainer, I can write you a workout program. But if you've yo-yo dieted or bounced around with working out, starting and stopping again and again, let's get to the bottom of what's driving these behaviors once and for all. The Life Coach School teaches a unique approach to weight loss and ending overdrinking that doesn't have you "dieting", white knuckling, will powering, counting calories or buying a peloton. It looks at one reason for being overweight and for overdrinking; which is over desire and under feeling.
Personal Goals
What do you want in life? Do you know on a deeper level why you want it? What your non-negotiables are in creating it? Do you know why what you've tried hasn't worked? Let's clarify what your deepest desires are, why you want them, and the only thing standing between you and it.
My Approach
The Life Coach School teaches that there are only five thing that exist in the world. They are,
Feelings or emotions
When we can learn how all of these are connected, we can become unstoppable in reaching our goals. Take the founder of The Life Coach School for example. Brooke Castillo has a goal of creating $100 million in one year through her business using this model. She teaches that if you've ever been frustrated or confused about why you haven't gotten a particular result you set out to create, it's because one or some of these five areas are off.
You've probably heard it said you can't outrun a bad diet. Likewise, you can't out act your thinking. We may try to change our actions in order to improve our relationship with our partner for example, but if what we think about them and ourselves stays the same, our actions will be short lived.
As a life coach, it's my job to hold neutral ground and be curious of what you bring to our sessions for coaching. I leave my opinions, my bias, my own judgment behind as they are not what my client needs to find their own inner truth. Coaching will be different than any conversation you've had with your coworker, mom, friend or partner. Coaching shows you your thoughts and the impact it has on what you're currently experiencing in life. This is good news because if you are totally responsible for what you're experiencing in life, that means you are completely capable of changing it.
Imagine when
Have a safe place to share all your thoughts, dreams, desires, frustrations, feelings with no judgment or "you should's"
Have a coach in your back pocket who believes in your dream more than you and holds you accountable at all costs
Know exactly what to do when growth happens and it feels like everything's falling apart when it's really happening exactly as it should be
Know how to feel your emotions instead of respond to them (i.e. scroll social media, lash out in anger, binge sweets, give cold shoulder etc.) or let them send you back into relapse or your old self again
Have a clear vision of your future and exactly how to create it
No longer criticize yourself in your own mind but rather know how to see every situation as happening for your best self and feel unstoppable
Here's us working together at a glance
Integrity ~ Excellence ~ Dedication
You get to work with me!
The people person coach. I've worked with all ages; young, old, men, women, don't worry I got you.
I am easy going and get along with everyone.
Evaluations and audits
Yep, we evaluate the work we do so we can learn what's working, what isn't working, and what we want to continue to implement. We will audit your work together and give feedback.
Support outside of sessions
Sometimes it just can't wait and so I am only a Voxer chat or email/text away between sessions.
Celebrate the wins
Celebrating teaches our mind that we are creating new experiences and moving away from old habits. We will regularly celebrate wins to remind ourselves we ARE making progress.
Email Recap of Sessions
I'll send out an email recap of our conversation and any additional resources I may recommend.
Top notch training and resources
Certified with The Life Coach School, you are getting top notch coaching with all the school's tools, techniques, and resources that guarantee results.
Who do you work with?
If you have dreams, aspirations, and thoughts, then we may be a good fit. I've worked with clients as young as 18 and as old as 62. Men and women, I've worked with any and all. I am totally a people person so, temperaments and personalities are not a concern for me.
What do you charge?
I'm glad you asked. I don't disclose my pricing outside of a consult, so book yours now! Space is limited but I will tell you that my package is six months meeting once a week with you for one hour virtually. You get support in between sessions per your choosing and payment plans are available.
Who is coaching for?
Many people choose to hire a coach not because they are broken in any way or needing to go from non-functioning to functioning. You may already be a high functioning individual who just wants to reach their goals faster or create a particular result faster than you would on your own. Emotional support through coaching (aka a kick in the pants) will have you taking action you may not otherwise engage in on your own. If you've managed fine without a coach, then you are a great candidate for hiring one because you will see results quickly and be that much more motivated to continue until you've achieved what you're looking for.
What if I get my result sooner than six months? Do I stop coaching?
There is always something to coach on. Get more for your investment by choosing another target to focus on with the rest of your time. Besides, you can also use the rest of your coaching package to practice having your new skill or goal. It may have taken you a lifetime to get where you were. Don't expect things to stick in a few months. We want lifelong habits to take the place of old ways of thinking and patterns of behaving. There is no purpose to rush but don't be surprised when things happen fast!